
“My coaching sessions with Alli came along at exactly the right time in my life. As a result of the work with Alli, I’ve found clarity and direction that I was severely lacking during a period of great change in my life. Her relaxed and compassionate nature make the sessions fun and engaging, but they challenge you in the right way to empower you to find the solutions and answers yourself. Not only is Alli a great coach, but she offers so much more with her yoga and meditation classes, which compliment the coaching calls perfectly. Can’t recommend Alli enough!”

- Paul C.

“Six months ago I decided that I wanted to find a 1:1 yoga teacher. I could have gone to a class, but the prospect was too daunting as I had never done anything like this before, but people said that yoga could help me and I needed to find a way to give myself some self-care.

I searched online and I came across Alli. I looked at a few of her videos and she was just so warm and encouraging, so I went for it and organised a virtual consultation with her. I was nervous for our first meeting, but as soon as I spoke to her, I found she just had this way of making me feel comfortable and at ease. So I surprised myself and decided to sign up for 8 weeks of 1:1 yoga sessions and they turned out to be so much more than I expected.

Alli would plan the sessions around my needs and this would sometimes be giving me the advice, guidance and support to get through the challenges I was facing. So whilst having my yoga sessions, Alli was actually giving me life coaching and I didn’t realise it and it was special. I was beginning to feel different, like I was finding my deeper self. The thing is, I would never have signed up for life coaching as I didn’t even know I needed it, but the mixture of yoga and life coaching added to the mindfulness techniques was beginning to transform my way of seeing the world and how I felt about myself. So when I had finished my last yoga session I signed up for a 6 month package with Alli which was something I would never have anticipated when I started the yoga sessions 6 weeks before! The thing is Alli was like no one I had met before and I knew she was going to enable me to achieve things I have only ever imagined.

I am now rediscovering myself and even managing to find my true self. Alli had made me realise that at the age of 40 my life is far from over and that I can achieve anything, she makes me challenge my inner thoughts and makes me realise that they are not my reality. She makes me see that the struggles I have been through have taught me so much and they can actually become my power to help others get through their struggles too.

I know that this review will need to be updated as I am now on a journey of self discovery and Alli is there guiding me and supporting me through it. I now attend virtual yoga sessions too (with other people) and I am comfortable to. I feel lucky to be taught by Alli as she is so passionate and committed to giving the best at every single session. I would highly recommend Alli for yoga, mindfulness, and as a life coach as she has made me realise my inner strength, so now I can go on to achieve my goals in life and make my dreams become a reality.”

— Anna S.

“Alli is the best life coach you could ever hope for. She listens, understands and is consistently spot on in her responses. She makes each session really count, thanks to her wisdom, compassion and generosity of spirit. She doesn't hold back from asking difficult questions when needed, or navigating you towards seeing things from a different perspective, encouraging her clients to be accountable, responsible and honest with themselves. Coaching with Alli has been like a breath of fresh air and I am already seeing real, tangible changes and differences from our time together. I can't wait to keep working with Alli. I love her!

— Sarah J.

I had one life coaching session with Alli and a follow-up session, and they were incredible! Alli not only genuinely listens to what you have to say but offered great advice, feedback, and insight that in turn enabled me to find some clarity, understanding, and direction in the chaos of my feelings and thoughts.

Alli is really easy to talk to with a natural way of making you feel comfortable, relaxed and knowing what you have to say or what you feel matters regardless of how small you may think it is.

She is more than willing to share her wealth of knowledge and offered me further reading and suggested resources that would continue to support my current journey.

I’m very grateful for these sessions with Alli. They have had such a positive impact. Highly recommend her as a life coach!!”

— Leigh R.

“Alli is an amazing yoga teacher and personal trainer. We completed our first round of 8 yoga/personal training sessions and signed up straight away for another round of 16 sessions! I love the fact that our sessions are a combination of strength, cardio and yoga. And every week is different so that you get a huge variation in all type of exercises and yoga poses. She also provides a personalised plan with exercises to do during the week. She is bubbly, kind and caring. I highly recommend her for private sessions and her group yoga classes.”

— Nathalie C.

“I started yoga classes with Alli during the first UK lock-down in 2020. I’ve dipped into yoga over the years, but never really stuck with it. I buy the monthly subscription, which is amazing value for money and personally I find cause I’ve paid up-front, I will turn up for my classes regularly. I have now done about 6 months of classes and I’ve found:

  • I don't have to use a block for pigeon pose. (Alli always has different options for each pose for beginners and adds in harder bits for people who are more advanced)

  • I get focused and relaxed sooner from the start of the class.

  • I'm being more mindful of how I move in non-yoga times (aka normal life) like how I bend and if I'm a bit stiff I'll take the time to gently stretch.

  • I messed up my knee last summer and it is feeling 99% better. I did struggle sitting on my knees and that’s all gone.

  • I'm being more mindful about letting things go (part of yoga classes and the new moon classes is a focus on mindfulness, to ask yourself questions about yourself and where you are at.)

  • I find myself using Alli's words when people are struggling with anything.

Past few months have really been great. I highly recommend Alli if you’re thinking about trying yoga.”

— Michelle D.

“I recently completed an 8 week course of private yoga lessons with Alli and can't recommend it enough! As an athlete, I really wanted to take the time to improve my strength and flexibility. Alli tailored our sessions perfectly to fit my goals, and I am now completely hooked on yoga. I'm the strongest and most flexible I've ever been as an adult, and have really benefited from the stress relief that regular practice brings. Alli's style is very supportive, adaptable, positive and holistic, and I'm so greatful I had her guidance to start my yoga journey. Thank you, Alli!”

— Amber T.

“In the short time that I have been “zooming” with Alli, my yoga practice has improved greatly. I have been doing yoga for about 10 years and was raised by a dancer/ Pilates and Yoga instructor — never has my confidence felt so high. From Alli, I have learned not only practical and technical aspects of yoga, but the importance of taking charge of my own practice; how to listen more closely to my body, and the utmost importance of breathing. She takes her classes and practice seriously but is never afraid to laugh at herself or something silly. Her positivity radiates through the web almost as if she were right there guiding you at home. Achieving this type of personal connection through a public forum is quite impressive IMHO. Good on ya, lady! Namaste.”

-Addie B.

“I'm halfway through my 6 week private tuition programme with Alli and I feel so much stronger and confident in my practice already! I've attended loads of yoga classes previously but with Alli's 1-2-1 tuition I'm learning more than I have before and am trying new poses that I never would have even attempted in a class for fear of doing them incorrectly. I'm also post-partum and having Alli's tutelage has allowed me to re-enter yoga gradually and with more of an awareness about my body. I've definitely discovered a real love of, and appreciation for, yoga - and great yoga teachers! Highly recommend.”

-Stephanie B.

“Alli is an amazing yoga instructor. I participate in her Slow Flow yoga sessions, which is really good for beginners like me. She takes you through each step and explains them. She also explains different variations depending on your level of yoga. For example, if you are more advanced or if the step seems easy to you, then she explains how to take it to the next level. She doesn’t make you think that you have to be on any certain level. You do what feels comfortable. She also explains if you are feeling certain pulls then take it back a notch. Her voice and demeanor is very calming. I could easily fall asleep during the cool down if it weren’t for a house full of children. I highly, highly recommend Alli Nichole! You should definitely sign up for her sessions or do one on ones with her or both.”

-Denise S.

“Alli is an excellent yoga instructor and I enjoy her classes very much. The Slow Flow sessions are suitable for beginners, but are also tailored for the more advanced student, so anyone can take part. Alli is a very knowledgable instructor and gives clear instructions on how to take each pose, whatever level you are at. She teaches with good humour and radiates calm and positivity - just what you would hope for in a yoga class. The Sunrise classes really set you up for the day and I would highly recommend them, too.”

-Carol B.